Work on the frontlines of hacking, cybercrime and defence strategies. Launch your career and join a fast-growing industry with La Trobe’s 100% online, ACS-accredited Master of Cybersecurity, whether you have an IT background or not.
You’ll study cyber law and risk management, ethical hacking and defence, artificial intelligence and machine learning, secure programming, project and database management and more.
You can study anywhere, anytime, completely online.
Choose an industry-focused specialisation in Artificial Intelligence, Business Operations or Computer Science and graduate ready to advance your career in 14 months.
Once you graduate, you’ll get a discount on the EC Council Cybersecurity Certification exam and access to training materials. If you choose a Computer Science specialisation, you can also become a certified cybersecurity professional through the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
According to the AustCyber’s Digital Census 2020, revenue in this sector has grown $800 million since 2017 and the demand for cyber professionals is expected to grow about 8 per cent yearly until 2024.
By graduation, you’ll be prepared to jump into this fast-paced field in roles such as a cybersecurity consultant, penetration tester, digital forensic investigator, secure system architect, cybercrime analyst and more.
A graduate diploma and a graduate certificate are also available to build on previous industry experience to gain cyber skills and work towards these roles.