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Find A Career That’s Totally ‘you’

Take our Career Personality Test and discover your personality style, work-related strengths, ideal job environment, learning style, career options and the training that can get you into your ideal job!

Vivien Luu

Jul 15,2013

When it comes to choosing a career, experts recommend you approach it in the same way you would when picking a spouse. Compatibility. Compatibility. Compatibility. 

If you’re after long-term success, chances are you won’t marry someone who doesn’t share the same values or outlook as you. Nor will it be possible to live happily ever after with a personality that clashes violently with your own. You’re going to spend the rest of your life with this person, so you’ve got to get along (that’s the idea anyway).

Same goes for picking a career path. You’re going to spend the rest of your life working (1686 hours per year to be precise, according to the OECD Better Life Index), so you and your job need to get along.

Below are the main personality types identified in the test – which one are you? 


Drivers are self-motivated and independent individuals who always strive for achievement. Bold and decisive by nature, Drivers are born leaders and often enjoy being in positions that give them power and control. Drivers will thrive in fast-paced work environments and need to feel constantly challenged. They are results-driven people and rational decision-makers, so emotion doesn’t play a big part in their approach to work.

Most importantly, Drivers have a ‘get it done’ mentality and, like Frank Sinatra, they’ll do it their way.

If you’re a Driver, some career matches for you include: 

  • Entrepreneur/Business owner
  • Lawyer
  • Police Officer
  • Actor
  • Professional Athlete
  • Civil Engineer
  • Firefighter
  • Banker
  • Salesperson
  • Paramedic 


Promoters are outgoing and extroverted individuals who will do best in careers that involve dealing with people. With superior interpersonal and communication skills, Promoters are great socialisers and have a knack for persuading, motivating and representing others. Promoters can also be highly expressive and are creative by nature.

Potential career paths for promoters include: 


Supporters are dependable, practical and kind people who enjoy helping others. Easygoing by nature, Supporters are focused on ‘getting along’ and do well in careers that involve people, services and information. They work best in secure team environments that are non-confrontational and free of conflict. Supporters dislike rapid change and are cautious and deliberate in their working style. They are also naturally inclined to help others solve their problems.

As a Supporter, occupations that may suit you include: 

  • Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Teacher
  • Probation Officer
  • Negotiator
  • Paralegal
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Accountant
  • Pharmacist
  • Public Relations Officer 


Analysers are perfectionists who like systems, rules and structure. As rational thinkers, Analysers like ‘getting it right’ so their ideal jobs would involve working with details, facts and information, rather than with people. They enjoy the challenge of collating information and providing precise evaluations and reports.

Analysers also have a no-nonsense work ethic. They are highly capable administrators, very detail-oriented and will follow procedures and standards to a tee. They often prefer working alone.

Occupations that Analysers may find fulfilling include: 


About the author

Viv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.

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