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7 Fun Courses to Get Your Mojo Back

Are you feeling bogged down in your nine-to-five routine? Challenge and stimulate yourself by learning something new. Try taking a short course just for the fun of it!

Vivien Luu

Aug 13,2012


Are you feeling bogged down in your nine-to-five routine? Feeling a bit like a corporate cog that never stops spinning, day in and day out? It’s something we can all relate to, regardless of how much we love our jobs. The best remedy to get your mojo back? Challenge and stimulate yourself by learning something new.

We’re halfway through the year now and let’s face it – most of us have comfortably switched into ‘cruise control’ mode. We get up, head to the office, work, work, work, and then head home – only to do it all over again the next day.

Our brains are set on auto-drive, a comfortable speed that pays the bills but tends to kill our passions and inner creativity. So how do we snap out of it? Try taking a short course just for the fun of it! It’ll give you a chance to let off some steam and discover passions and talents you never knew you had.

The possibilities are endless, but here are seven kinds of courses that might tickle your fancy: 


If you’re an Instagram addict who can’t seem to satisfy your snap-happy ways, a photography course might just be the thing for you.

Learn your way around a camera and discover how to edit photos like a pro with a Creative Digital Photography Short Course or Diploma of PhotoImaging. For those of you who also have the travelling and writing bug, turn your passion into a part-time job with a Freelance Travel Writing & Photography Course.


Do you watch The Block and think, ‘What are they doing? I could do better than that!’ Well maybe an Interior Design course is just the thing to get your creative juices going.

If colour swatches aren’t your thing but comics and cartoons are, an illustration course could be right up your avenue. Take your doodling to the next level with courses like Freelance Cartooning and Illustrating or Illustration and Drawing Made Easy.

Alternatively, if you’re a fashionista who’s always wanted to try your hand at designing and making your own clothes, you could become the next Collette Dinnigan or Marc Jacobs by starting out with a Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design & Technology.


If you fancy yourself a wordsmith and writing that bestseller or cult classic has always been your dream, then consider a short course in writing.

Take a Professional Children’s Writing Course if you want to learn how to be the next Roald Dahl or J K Rowling. Or simply take a Creative Writing Course to discover the storyteller within. Write the next Twilight or Fifty Shades, and you’ll never have to work again. 


Feel like taking your garage band days to the next level? Whether grunge rock or cool R ‘n’ B is your thing, a Diploma of Popular Music and Performance will help you take your first steps into the music industry. With theory and practical classes, you will learn the art of stagecraft and how to compose songs. 

Beauty and natural therapy 

If the word ‘makeover’ gets you excited and you’re the type of person that looks at someone’s face or hair and sees a blank canvas, then a beauty therapy course could be perfect for you.

Take out your make-up kit and consider a Diploma of Beauty Therapy or a Certificate II in Nail Technology. Or for those of you who are great with your hands and love giving massages, try a Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice or Certificate IV in Aromatherapy. You should have plenty of volunteers to test your new skills on! 


If you love spending time at the gym and are the go-to person for exercise advice and protein powders, then why not become a qualified gym junkie?

A Certificate III in Fitness is the starting point, and if you can’t get enough then you can flex your muscles even more by undertaking a Certificate IV in Fitness or Diploma of Fitness. Moonlighting as a part-time fitness instructor can be a great way to keep the office blues – and flab – at bay. 

Animal care

Does your poodle hide in shame every time you cut its hair? Or does it look like a big fluffy bush that other dogs treat as such with an upraised leg? If you enjoy taking care of animals and have always wanted to know how to professionally groom your four-legged friend, you’ll love a short course in animal care.

An Animal Care Course will teach you first aid and the basics for day-to-day care of animals ranging from dogs to horses. Or you might want to consider a Pet Groomer Course that will give you all the skills and background knowledge to set up a professional pet grooming business.

Want to see even more options? Check out our full range of courses.


About the author

Viv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.

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